When you speak it's important that you can hear your feelings in the words that you say, otherwise you don't sound sincere. In addition to the excitement in your voice when you talk about roller coasters and the wonder in your voice when you talk about peak experiences, you need to make some other words sound like what the mean. For example if you were saying the word "short" you would make the word sound just slightly abrupt, or if you're saying the word "humongous" you would drag out the syllables a little and maybe even raise your voice slightly.
Exercise 1 - Here is a list of emotions that you can practice saying with the feeling of the emotion in your voice when you say it. To help you out a little, you might want to imagine a time when you experienced this emotion, and see what you saw, feel what you felt, and hear what you heard. Also make sure when you imagine this event that you're looking through your own eyes
and not watching yourself. Lastly think of a sound that might represent that emotion for you.
Curiosity Lust Sincerity
Love Amazement Excitement
Exhilaration Happiness Calm
Here's a list of words that would sound like what they mean.
Huge Gorgeous Beautiful
Anticipation Powerful Tiny
Bright Smooth Rich
Exercise 2 - You also need to practice using these words in sentences, especially since many of them might be in one sentence together.
Have you ever had a peak experience, maybe you saw an amazingly, beautiful sunset.
I was snorkeling in Hawaii and I saw the biggest sea turtle ever, and I was so excited that I could hardly breathe.
Have you ever met someone and you were really curious, and the more curious you became the more playful you became in your thoughts.
Notice that the words might not actually match the way you say them. For example in the last sentence the word thoughts could be said in a seductive way.
Exercise 3 - Go and eavesdrop on people's conversations, or talk to one of your more boring friends or coworkers. Ignore the words that they are saying and just listen for what state they are in while they are talking. Notice when the states shift and the fine nuances between one state and
another. Understand, the other half to using tonality to put forth your own ideas and persuade others is being aware of other people's so you can know where they're at and what effect you're having on them regardless of the words that come out of their mouths.
When you're up for a challenge, ask someone to talk about one thing while they think about another, and figure out what state they're really in. For example, the last time you were talking about business, while you were thinking about going out water skiing next weekend.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Posted by Anneel Gorey at 6:29 PM 0 comments
It's important to breathe in deeply in order to project your voice and to have power and resonance. You won't be taking in more air, but you will be breathing into the lower portion of the lungs instead of into the upper portion of the chest.
Exercise 1 - Put your hand on your upper chest. Breathe so that this part of the chest moves out when you breathe in. As you breathe out, let out an "Aaahhh" with the breath. Now put your hand in the middle of your chest and breath into this area, and as you release your breath say "Aaahhh." Now put your hand on your solar plexus and do the same thing. Lastly put your hand
on your stomach and as you say "Aaahhh" as you let the breathe out notice how much stronger your voice is when you speak from here, and notice how much more resonant your voice is.
If this isn't easy for you try holding your hands above your head while you do this. As a last resort you can lie on the floor and practice there so you know how it feels, before you practice standing up.
While you do this remember to keep your shoulders slid back and your back straight.
Posted by Anneel Gorey at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Posture Stretches
Number 1
This stretch should be felt just above the collarbone in that little triangle.
1. Stand with your lower back straight. Have your legs shoulder width apart, and your knees slightly bent.
2. Reach behind the back with your right arm and grab the left arm (which is down by the side) at or just above the elbow.
3. Rotate the left arm back in the socket gently, making sure you're turning the arm at the shoulder joint and not the elbow.
4. Turn your head to the right looking over the shoulder, and then tilt the chin down toward the shoulder.
5. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
6. Repeat on other side.
Alternate Step 3 - If you can't reach your arm that way, just gently rotate the shoulder back in the socket without holding the arm. You'll know if you're doing the stretch right by where you feel it.
Number 2
1. Move your shoulders up toward your ear.
2. Roll them back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
3. Let your shoulders drop, letting them stay back naturally.
Number 3
You'll feel this stretch in the chest, just below the collarbone, from the breastbone all the way to the shoulder.
1. Place the palm of your hand again the wall, with your arm straight, and your hand about three inches above the shoulder.
2. Lean into the stretch, so your body is as perpendicular to the wall as possible while remaining comfortable.
3. Hold stretch for 60 seconds.
4. Repeat on other side.
You can also do neck and shoulder rolls to loosen up these areas and help them realign after the stretches.
Posted by Anneel Gorey at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Your tonality is very important, because you are using your voice to persuade others. If your voice isn't pleasant to listen to, who is going to sit and listen to it long enough for you to get what you want. Also, you need to be able to effectively control your voice in order to use techniques such as embedded commands and voice pacing.
Posture Posture is important because if the body is not properly aligned the voice can't come out with the power, the resonance, and the projection that it naturally has.
Exercise 1 - Imagine there is a string that runs through the top of the head and down through the neck, and down through the spine. Then imagine that someone pulls up slightly on the string,straightening the neck and the spine to the point where even if there were no muscles holding
them in place the bones would stay sitting one on top of the other, and at the same time you feel your shoulders slide back into place. Now, imagine moving through the world this way ... when you sit at your computer ... drive in your car ... watch TV.
Exercise 2 - In order for some people to keep their shoulders back in place they need to stretch out the chest and strengthen the back (especially the rhomboids, between the shoulder blades, and the rear deltoids, which are the backs of the shoulders). This is true especially for people who sit
at computers all day long.
Posted by Anneel Gorey at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking
How to use Hypnosis for quitting smoking? Why do you tend to smoke? Is there any easy method to break the addiction?
Find out all your answers here...
Do you know that nicotine addiction is as hard to break as heroin or cocaine addiction?
Studies show that 95% of the smokers, who quit from smoking without taking any help remains, fail and go right back to smoking. They quit themselves and then go back to smoking only themselves.
Several times of failure make them feel more hard to quit smoking and then they make a belief that they can't quit from smoking.
Why Do You Tend To SmokeEvery smoker has a different reason for smoking. I was also a smoker and my reason was my friend circle and with them I was also became a smoker.
When I was interrogating myself, I found the reason and then I left the company of smokers and avail the hypnosis solution to come out from this addiction.
I have asked for many peoples that what are their reason for smoking? Some says just for fun, some are addicted, some have so much money and they are used to get whatever they want, some suppose cigarettes as a friend, some find pleasure in smoking, some don't get sleep in night without smoking and for some it's a source of removing mental conflicts that's why they are smoking.If you give it a look here so you'll find one thing common here, "Tendency" the human belief and when you make this belief that by smoking you are going to get something positive then obviously you will smoke and this is the reason that you tend to smoke...
But think for a while, by inhaling and exhaling smoke what you can really get?
Is that pleasure or unhealthy life?
Do you really think that you can get pleasure by smoking only? If yes, then you are deceiving your self.
You should remove this wrong belief from your mind. Don't deceit yourself, it's just a stupidity that you are doing it continuously and nothing else.
How Hypnosis For Quitting Smoking Can Help You
Hypnosis is the very effective tool for reprograming mind for the good cause.
You are unconsciously in hypnosis already when you smoke and which is affecting your health, so why don't you try it consciously, which will make you out from this bad addiction.
One thing I really love about hypnosis is that, it works from the root of the problem.
Your mind has been conditioned from the years that smoking gives pleasure, but it's not like that. You are getting what you believe.
Right now your unconscious mind is focused on smoking, it demands for a ciggarette, and you have to change this belief of your mind by "hypnosis for quitting smoking".
During this process we will recondition your mind by implanting the suggestions into your subconscious mind which will remove your smoking habbit completely.
Mind it, Hypnosis is the process where the chances is less to fail if you do it intensely and in a right way, then I can assure you that it will change your life.
The Deep Breathing Method
This method is very interesting and I have found it very useful in releasing all types of tensions and addictions. This method work as a revitalizer in you.
Whenever you feel a desire to smoke even for a little, you just close your eyes and start taking deep breathing.
While exhaling, visualize that your body is releasing all the tensions and then when you inhale visualize that with each breath, you are getting very light and relaxed .
This will kill your mental conflict with the desire of smoking.
This is the very ancient method of yoga and meditation. Work in various things and also this is one of the best relaxation techniques.
Posted by Anneel Gorey at 1:04 AM 0 comments