Saturday, September 8, 2007


Calibration is the art of noticing the responses you get as they apply to that individual person. This is different for almost every person on the planet. That is why inside of-every interaction you must calibrate to the person in front of you.

Exercise 1 - Awareness. Notice what you are currently aware of in the room. What do you see, hear and understand?

Imagine that there is a smooth surface like water in front of you. Now, imagine you toss a pebble into the middle of your vision and notice the ripples as they spread out. Allow your visual field to expand in all directions as you follow it out. Notice what is on the edge of your field of vision. Notice everything you didn't notice before.

Do the same with your hearing. Imagine your hearing is a smooth pond. Drop a pebble into the middle of it and allow your hearing to spread out. Do you hear things that you did not before?

Now that you have done these we will make it 3d. Take your hearing and your vision and turn them into an expanding 3d bubble of awareness. Let it spread out and fill the room.

Notice someone in the room. Take note of what you notice about them before you widen your awareness. Do the exercise above and then look at them again. How much more do you notice?

Exercise 2 - Open your awareness to allow you to notice everything about the person in front of you. Take all your preconceived notions about who they are and what you think, and set them aside. First ask them a question and have them tell you the truth. Notice the response as they tell the truth. Notice posture, skin tone, eye accessing, breathing, facial expressions and movements. Now, ask them something and have them lie to you about the answer. What differences did you notice? Write them down as quickly as you can.

Now ask them a question and have them choose to answer truthfully or lie but not tell you which. "Guess" whether they were lying or telling the truth. Do this about five times and keep track of your accuracy.

Recalibrate if you have to. Even if they try to deceive you, they will not be able to consciously track all of the things they do to give it away.

Exercise 3 - Do the same as exercise 2 except with emotions. Have your partner pick two different things from his past. One state should make them happy and the other should be something less pleasant. Have them try to hide the difference between them as they go to one state, then a neutral state then the other state. Label them state I and state 2.

Now have your partner go into one of the states and your tell him which state it is. State 1, 2, or neutral. Keep track of your accuracy.

Exercise 4 - Do the same as before but with 2 states that are more similar to make it more of a challenge.


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