Sunday, September 30, 2007


The first thing that we need to talk about it is the definition of trance. A trance is an altered state of consciousness. What does that mean? Well if you think of any state that you are in now, when that state changes it is altered. So in many respects it's every state is an altered state from the state you were in just a moment ago.

The advantages of knowing how to go into a trance or induce a trance are infinite. Inside of trance states your learning abilities and perceptive abilities are enhanced. You are actually able to accelerate the learning process if you go into a mild trance.

Pattern Interrupt

Altered states are very easy to induce. The simplest trance induction is the pattern interrupt. Anytime you can interrupt a pattern that somebody else is in, they have to go inside their head and figure out where they were so that they can start at the point you interrupted them. If you think about this, you know that it's true.

Every time you speak you form the sentence in your mind first. Your mind does this quite quickly but it is rare that you deliver a full sentence before it is completely formed inside your mind. If I were to interrupt you in the middle of delivering the sentence you had already formed, your mind would go blank for moment. Inside of that blank space is a world of possibilities. While you are inside your head I can put anything I want in there.

The reason that I can do this without getting caught is that if you hear me, it will simply interrupt the process of finding where you were. In essence, it is a double interrupt.

If you don't believe me try this on a waitress. Waitresses are pre-programmed to say a certain phrase when they walk up to the table. Waitresses that have been waiting on tables for a long time are very programmed. If you interrupt them at any point with a question, you can watch their minds go blank.

If you are very aware and notice when the blank spot happens, you can anchor it. Then all you have to do is fire the anchor the next time you want to induce trance.

Unconscious awareness

Bringing to the conscious mind awareness of something that is generally thought of as unconscious will bring about an altered state or trance state. If I would ask you right now, to think about how the spot between your toes feels, it would be something that you normally would never think of. If I would ask you to think about how your shirt feels on the middle of your back, that is also outside your conscious awareness. If I were to ask you think about exactly how this piece of paper feels in your hand, that is also outside your conscious awareness.

The key is to think about the things that people normally don't think about, and get them focused somewhere other than on their consciousness. As you watch them you'll notice that they will go inside their minds to find the information. When they do you can slide commands in.

The easiest trance induction is a 54321 method
1. Something you feel
2. Something you see
3. Something you hear
4. Something you feel
5. Command

Let me give you an example:

As you sit there in your chair and feel the weight of your body pressing down, you can look at this paper and notice the edges as your eyes scan these words. You might hear something in the room around you and feel the paper on your finger and relax.

1. Feel
2. See
3. Hear
4. Command
5. Command

You might notice the beat of your heart and see the colors of the room while listening to the sound my voice. See you can feel good about knowing that you're about to learn now.

This would be followed with two things that you notice and three commands. Then one thing that the notice and four commands. I think you get the idea.

This is also easiest method to do self-hypnosis.

Nonverbal trance

My favorite way to get somebody into a trance state is to get deep rapport, alter my state and pull them in. When you have deep rapport you are, in essence, linked directly in to the unconscious mind. Wherever you go they will follow. I realize that at this point in the seminar that we have not learned deep rapport skills but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Calibration is the art of noticing the responses you get as they apply to that individual person. This is different for almost every person on the planet. That is why inside of-every interaction you must calibrate to the person in front of you.

Exercise 1 - Awareness. Notice what you are currently aware of in the room. What do you see, hear and understand?

Imagine that there is a smooth surface like water in front of you. Now, imagine you toss a pebble into the middle of your vision and notice the ripples as they spread out. Allow your visual field to expand in all directions as you follow it out. Notice what is on the edge of your field of vision. Notice everything you didn't notice before.

Do the same with your hearing. Imagine your hearing is a smooth pond. Drop a pebble into the middle of it and allow your hearing to spread out. Do you hear things that you did not before?

Now that you have done these we will make it 3d. Take your hearing and your vision and turn them into an expanding 3d bubble of awareness. Let it spread out and fill the room.

Notice someone in the room. Take note of what you notice about them before you widen your awareness. Do the exercise above and then look at them again. How much more do you notice?

Exercise 2 - Open your awareness to allow you to notice everything about the person in front of you. Take all your preconceived notions about who they are and what you think, and set them aside. First ask them a question and have them tell you the truth. Notice the response as they tell the truth. Notice posture, skin tone, eye accessing, breathing, facial expressions and movements. Now, ask them something and have them lie to you about the answer. What differences did you notice? Write them down as quickly as you can.

Now ask them a question and have them choose to answer truthfully or lie but not tell you which. "Guess" whether they were lying or telling the truth. Do this about five times and keep track of your accuracy.

Recalibrate if you have to. Even if they try to deceive you, they will not be able to consciously track all of the things they do to give it away.

Exercise 3 - Do the same as exercise 2 except with emotions. Have your partner pick two different things from his past. One state should make them happy and the other should be something less pleasant. Have them try to hide the difference between them as they go to one state, then a neutral state then the other state. Label them state I and state 2.

Now have your partner go into one of the states and your tell him which state it is. State 1, 2, or neutral. Keep track of your accuracy.

Exercise 4 - Do the same as before but with 2 states that are more similar to make it more of a challenge.


Get ahead in every sense of the word.

A head/ahead

paradise/pair o' dice


(to) like/like (same as)




(air) plane/(a different) plane/plain


Apart/a part

(a ) peer /pier /peer (look at)
(eye) glasses/ (drinking) glasses

a breast/abreast
jacket/jack it

apparent/a parent

trance mission/transmission

a loan/alone
state/state (mood)/ (to) state



present (gift)/present (time)/present (here)

more on/moron

in two/into
rock/(to) rock/rock (and roll)

lettuce/let us

with her/wither

pay per/paper

entrance/in trance

Teller/tell her
wake (up)/wake (of boat)/(Irish) wake

tell a vision/television

(sports) fan/(ceiling) fan

Punctuation Ambiguity

Punctuation ambiguity is when it is unclear where one sentence ends and the other begins. One way of using this is by having a word or phrase that could either be tagged on the last sentence or start out the next sentence. In the conscious conversation this phrase is usually part of the second sentence. By using the tonality in the phrase that you embedded the commands in the first sentence with, the unconscious will associate the phrase with the end of the first sentence. Some examples of commonly used phrases and words are:

Now For me To me
With me

Example: I'm sure that there have been many times when you feel that connection. Now with me,
when I feel that close to this person …


The use of pausing when you speak is extremely important. It can make a person … anticipate … your … every … word. Or it can make you seem … uh … stupid. There are a few times when you can as a rule use pausing.

One is when you want to keep a person in suspense and anticipate what you are going to say next. Second is when you want to make a point of a particular word or phrase. Third is when you're using punctuation ambiguity. For example, when you say "... when you feel that. (pause) With me (pause) I ..." The pause might only be slight in this case but the unconscious mind will hear it and know the difference.

Exercise 1 - Get a tape recorder and read language patterns, poems, articles, etc. into it. Listen to yourself noticing where you pause and where you can improve.


You may have noticed when I was talking about embedded commands that I used the word "buy" in place of the word "by." This is called a phonological ambiguity. It can be two words that sound alike, such as hair and hare. It can also be two words that sound like one word, such as in trance and entrance. You see the unconscious has to take the word and reference back to all the meanings it has. In random conversations this means very little, but when you're embedding commands and stack phrases which are on a certain subject the unconscious will figure out what you really mean.

Remember that the words don't have to sound exactly alike. If you were to substitute the word hue for the word you in the stream of conversation 99.9% of people would never notice the difference.

Exercise 1 - Sit and write down at least 100 phonological ambiguities.

Embedded Commands

Embedded commands are used to say something to the unconscious while you might be saying something completely different to the conscious mind. You can do this by saying all of the words in the embedded commands in one particular note, at a particular volume, etc. The key is to have the note or volume that you embed the commands at distinct from the rest of what you say. For example, if you use the note A sharp to embed the commands, you can't use that pitch elsewhere in your conversation. Personally I find it easiest to drop my pitch slightly on the embedded commands.

Also, when you're embedding a phrase such as, "Buy me presents," the words don't have to be together in the sentence. They don't even have to be in the same sentence. They can be spread out through a paragraph.

I saw a gorgeous Ferrari go buy. To me it seems that some cars have presents of their own.

Also remember that you should embed commands at least three times each. They don't have to be in the exact words but they should be similar: It's easier for the unconscious to take the command at this point than it is to fight it.

Exercise 1
- Embed the phrase "Give me a wild ride," into a paragraph about a safari in Africa.
No more than two words of the phrase can be side by side in the paragraph.

Exercise 2
- Think of phrases that you would like to embed. Then think of a different subject to write about where you can embed the phrase.

Just remember to use a pleasant state that goes with the commands that you're embedding. For example, you wouldn't talk about the most disgusting thing you ever did and embed commands about having a wonderful experience together.


Your inflection is important, because according to how you use it you can seem powerful, or not. You see there are three ways of speaking: commands, questions, and statements.

Statements just have a flat inflection at the end, questions go up at the end, and commands go down. This is important because if you say something like "Let's go out" as a question instead of a command you give the other person a chance to say no. Also, a question isn't always a question. If you use the grammatical structure of a question but go down with the inflection at the end of the sentence then you actually make it a command.

Exercise 1- Say these sentences using a downward inflection at the end.

Let's go out.

Come with me. I love you.

Do you want to go out for coffee with me? (taking the inflection down on with me)

Do you understand?

Inflection is also very important for being able to embed commands. You can embed a command using any note, but for the sake of simplicity here we're going to talk about embedding commands by dropping your tone slightly on the command. The difference not only doesn't have to be extreme, but it should be slight so it is only perceptible to the trained ear. Imagine a musical scale; the note you use for the embedded command would be a note or even only a half note lower on the scale than the other notes you're using when you speak.

Friday, August 24, 2007


When you speak it's important that you can hear your feelings in the words that you say, otherwise you don't sound sincere. In addition to the excitement in your voice when you talk about roller coasters and the wonder in your voice when you talk about peak experiences, you need to make some other words sound like what the mean. For example if you were saying the word "short" you would make the word sound just slightly abrupt, or if you're saying the word "humongous" you would drag out the syllables a little and maybe even raise your voice slightly.

Exercise 1 - Here is a list of emotions that you can practice saying with the feeling of the emotion in your voice when you say it. To help you out a little, you might want to imagine a time when you experienced this emotion, and see what you saw, feel what you felt, and hear what you heard. Also make sure when you imagine this event that you're looking through your own eyes
and not watching yourself. Lastly think of a sound that might represent that emotion for you.

Curiosity Lust Sincerity
Love Amazement Excitement
Exhilaration Happiness Calm

Here's a list of words that would sound like what they mean.

Huge Gorgeous Beautiful
Anticipation Powerful Tiny
Bright Smooth Rich

Exercise 2 - You also need to practice using these words in sentences, especially since many of them might be in one sentence together.

Have you ever had a peak experience, maybe you saw an amazingly, beautiful sunset.
I was snorkeling in Hawaii and I saw the biggest sea turtle ever, and I was so excited that I could hardly breathe.
Have you ever met someone and you were really curious, and the more curious you became the more playful you became in your thoughts.
Notice that the words might not actually match the way you say them. For example in the last sentence the word thoughts could be said in a seductive way.

Exercise 3 - Go and eavesdrop on people's conversations, or talk to one of your more boring friends or coworkers. Ignore the words that they are saying and just listen for what state they are in while they are talking. Notice when the states shift and the fine nuances between one state and
another. Understand, the other half to using tonality to put forth your own ideas and persuade others is being aware of other people's so you can know where they're at and what effect you're having on them regardless of the words that come out of their mouths.
When you're up for a challenge, ask someone to talk about one thing while they think about another, and figure out what state they're really in. For example, the last time you were talking about business, while you were thinking about going out water skiing next weekend.


It's important to breathe in deeply in order to project your voice and to have power and resonance. You won't be taking in more air, but you will be breathing into the lower portion of the lungs instead of into the upper portion of the chest.

Exercise 1 - Put your hand on your upper chest. Breathe so that this part of the chest moves out when you breathe in. As you breathe out, let out an "Aaahhh" with the breath. Now put your hand in the middle of your chest and breath into this area, and as you release your breath say "Aaahhh." Now put your hand on your solar plexus and do the same thing. Lastly put your hand
on your stomach and as you say "Aaahhh" as you let the breathe out notice how much stronger your voice is when you speak from here, and notice how much more resonant your voice is.
If this isn't easy for you try holding your hands above your head while you do this. As a last resort you can lie on the floor and practice there so you know how it feels, before you practice standing up.
While you do this remember to keep your shoulders slid back and your back straight.

Posture Stretches

Number 1
This stretch should be felt just above the collarbone in that little triangle.
1. Stand with your lower back straight. Have your legs shoulder width apart, and your knees slightly bent.
2. Reach behind the back with your right arm and grab the left arm (which is down by the side) at or just above the elbow.
3. Rotate the left arm back in the socket gently, making sure you're turning the arm at the shoulder joint and not the elbow.
4. Turn your head to the right looking over the shoulder, and then tilt the chin down toward the shoulder.
5. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
6. Repeat on other side.
Alternate Step 3 - If you can't reach your arm that way, just gently rotate the shoulder back in the socket without holding the arm. You'll know if you're doing the stretch right by where you feel it.

Number 2
1. Move your shoulders up toward your ear.
2. Roll them back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
3. Let your shoulders drop, letting them stay back naturally.

Number 3
You'll feel this stretch in the chest, just below the collarbone, from the breastbone all the way to the shoulder.
1. Place the palm of your hand again the wall, with your arm straight, and your hand about three inches above the shoulder.
2. Lean into the stretch, so your body is as perpendicular to the wall as possible while remaining comfortable.
3. Hold stretch for 60 seconds.
4. Repeat on other side.
You can also do neck and shoulder rolls to loosen up these areas and help them realign after the stretches.


Your tonality is very important, because you are using your voice to persuade others. If your voice isn't pleasant to listen to, who is going to sit and listen to it long enough for you to get what you want. Also, you need to be able to effectively control your voice in order to use techniques such as embedded commands and voice pacing.
Posture Posture is important because if the body is not properly aligned the voice can't come out with the power, the resonance, and the projection that it naturally has.

Exercise 1 - Imagine there is a string that runs through the top of the head and down through the neck, and down through the spine. Then imagine that someone pulls up slightly on the string,straightening the neck and the spine to the point where even if there were no muscles holding
them in place the bones would stay sitting one on top of the other, and at the same time you feel your shoulders slide back into place. Now, imagine moving through the world this way ... when you sit at your computer ... drive in your car ... watch TV.

Exercise 2 - In order for some people to keep their shoulders back in place they need to stretch out the chest and strengthen the back (especially the rhomboids, between the shoulder blades, and the rear deltoids, which are the backs of the shoulders). This is true especially for people who sit
at computers all day long.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking

How to use Hypnosis for quitting smoking? Why do you tend to smoke? Is there any easy method to break the addiction?

Find out all your answers here...

Do you know that nicotine addiction is as hard to break as heroin or cocaine addiction?

Studies show that 95% of the smokers, who quit from smoking without taking any help remains, fail and go right back to smoking. They quit themselves and then go back to smoking only themselves.

Several times of failure make them feel more hard to quit smoking and then they make a belief that they can't quit from smoking.

Why Do You Tend To Smoke

Every smoker has a different reason for smoking. I was also a smoker and my reason was my friend circle and with them I was also became a smoker.

When I was interrogating myself, I found the reason and then I left the company of smokers and avail the hypnosis solution to come out from this addiction.

I have asked for many peoples that what are their reason for smoking? Some says just for fun, some are addicted, some have so much money and they are used to get whatever they want, some suppose cigarettes as a friend, some find pleasure in smoking, some don't get sleep in night without smoking and for some it's a source of removing mental conflicts that's why they are smoking.

If you give it a look here so you'll find one thing common here, "Tendency" the human belief and when you make this belief that by smoking you are going to get something positive then obviously you will smoke and this is the reason that you tend to smoke...

But think for a while, by inhaling and exhaling smoke what you can really get?

Is that pleasure or unhealthy life?

Do you really think that you can get pleasure by smoking only? If yes, then you are deceiving your self.

You should remove this wrong belief from your mind. Don't deceit yourself, it's just a stupidity that you are doing it continuously and nothing else.

How Hypnosis For Quitting Smoking Can Help You

Hypnosis is the very effective tool for reprograming mind for the good cause.

You are unconsciously in hypnosis already when you smoke and which is affecting your health, so why don't you try it consciously, which will make you out from this bad addiction.

One thing I really love about hypnosis is that, it works from the root of the problem.

Your mind has been conditioned from the years that smoking gives pleasure, but it's not like that. You are getting what you believe.

Right now your unconscious mind is focused on smoking, it demands for a ciggarette, and you have to change this belief of your mind by "hypnosis for quitting smoking".

During this process we will recondition your mind by implanting the suggestions into your subconscious mind which will remove your smoking habbit completely.

Mind it, Hypnosis is the process where the chances is less to fail if you do it intensely and in a right way, then I can assure you that it will change your life.

The Deep Breathing Method

This method is very interesting and I have found it very useful in releasing all types of tensions and addictions. This method work as a revitalizer in you.

Whenever you feel a desire to smoke even for a little, you just close your eyes and start taking deep breathing.

While exhaling, visualize that your body is releasing all the tensions and then when you inhale visualize that with each breath, you are getting very light and relaxed .

This will kill your mental conflict with the desire of smoking.

This is the very ancient method of yoga and meditation. Work in various things and also this is one of the best relaxation techniques.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Progressive Relaxation Induction

One of the simplest ways to hypnotize someone is the "progressive relaxation" technique.

  1. Have the person you're working with sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  2. Talk slowly in a soothing voice (it doesn't have to be monotone).
  3. Say "Take a deep breath and as you let it out, close your eyes and begin to feel yourself relaxing." (If their eyes are already closed, leave the eye closing out)
  4. Have your subject put their awareness on different parts of their body and relax them. You can use language such as "Now become aware of your arms... now relax your arms... let them grow more and more comfortable... let the muscles become loose and limp and even more relaxed". Repeat this type of instruction for all areas of the body.
  5. Sprinkle your language with plenty of positive reinforcements such as - "That's right, good, you're doing just fine."
  6. Repeat if necessary: Depending on the person, you may have to repeat the whole procedure a few times. For most people 10 or 15 minutes is enough.
  7. When you're ready to emerge them just say "I'm going to count to five, when I reach five or before, your eyes will open and you'll feel relaxed and refreshed". Count up to five slowly with your voice getting a little less soothing and a little more "awake" with each number. When you reach four, if their eyes aren't open say "On the next number your eyes will open and you'll feel relaxed and refreshed. Five, eyes open, feeling relaxed and refreshed."

Believe it or not, it can be this simple!

Things To Explain First

These are good to explain to your subject before hypnotizing them. It will make it much easier.
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, it happens to you many times each day, it will probably feel very natural
Expect to feel relaxed, not necessarily "hypnotized"
You can't get stuck in trance any more than you could get stuck sleeping
In a trance your moral character and value system remain in place (you won't do anything against your morals)
In a trance you will most likely hear everything and be aware of things going on around you in the environment
Many people remember what goes on inside trance

Things To Know First

Before I show you one way of hypnotizing let me warn you about a couple of things.
Don't ask a person to do anything in hypnosis that might be harmful. A good rule of thumb is not to ask them to do anything in a trance that you wouldn't ask otherwise. People do not have super-human qualities in hypnosis.
Some people will tell you they didn't "feel" hypnotized. Since hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, it feels normal to most people. Oftentimes people expect a profoundly odd feeling to occur in trance.
About the only thing that can keep a person from attaining hypnosis is fear. If someone is afraid of you or of hypnosis it will not be easy.
Here are some signs of hypnosis.
Fluttering of the eyelids
Increased redness or wetness of the eyes (upon opening them)
General relaxation and loosening of the muscles
"Flattening" of the facial muscles (they look very relaxed)
Waxy skin tonus (the person will begin to look more like a mannequin - this is very subtle)
Feelings of warmth or coolness or tingling sensations
It may take a slight effort for them to swallow
Changes in breathing rate and depth
Fingers, arms or legs twitching slightly
You may expect to find some or all of these with your subject.

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

Often when people learn what I do they ask "How do you hypnotize people?" or "Does it really work?"
Let's face it, most of us have seen the ads in the back of comic books "Learn How To Hypnotize!" Most of us have seen movies in which hypnosis is portrayed as a way to get others to do our bidding. It's far-fetched ideas like this that have slowed the acceptance of hypnosis by the general public.
Few people are aware of the overwhelming scientific evidence for hypnosis as a way of reducing or eliminating pain, accelerating healing, achieving goals or breaking habits.
The simple fact of the matter is that hypnotizing people is a lot easier than most people think. In fact, you are most likely in a hypnotic state several times each day! Any time you're daydreaming or engrossed in a book or movie, any time your thoughts wander, you may be in a state very similar to hypnosis. It's a natural state which can feel somewhat like falling asleep or relaxing and drifting off on some train of thought..

The External/Internal Self Hypnosis Technique

Get Comfortable -
Look forward, breathe slowly and easily, relax.

State Your Goal -
Tell yourself your purpose in going into self hypnosis. "I am going into a trance for the purpose of _____________ . (Filling in the blank with what you want to achieve.) During this self-hypnosis session my unconscious mind will make the adjustments so that _____________ (Filling in the blank with what you want to achieve) occurs naturally and easily.

How To Feel Afterward -
Tell yourself how you want to feel when you complete the process and how long you wish to be in a trance, "In twenty minutes, I'm going to feel __________".

The Induction -
Notice three things (one at a time) that you see. Go slowly, look at each one for a moment. Now pay attention to your auditory channel and notice, one by one, three things that you hear.Next, become aware of your feelings - notice three sensations. Go slowly from one to the next. You can use sensations that normally are outside of your awareness, such as the temperature of your ankle, the feeling of the bottom of your feet, the weight of some piece of clothing, etc.Continue the process using two things you see, then two sounds and then two feelings. Now one visual, one auditory and one kinesthetic.

Close your eyes.
Picture something. You can make an image up or just let one happen.Pause and "imagine" a sound.Next, imagine a feeling. Repeat the process with two images, then two sounds, then two feelings. Repeat using three images, sounds and feelings. If you don't get all the way through, relax. In fact, it's a sign that you've gone deep enough if you lose track of where you are in the process. Just let your mind wander where it will and trust that your unconscious is carrying out the suggestions you gave it.Allow yourself to come out of trance whenever it feels appropriate. You'll often find that you come out very near the time you suggested.

Introduction to How Hypnosis Works

When you hear the word hypnosis, you may picture the mysterious hypnotist figure popularized in movies, comic books and television. This ominous, goateed man waves a pocket watch back and forth, guiding his subject into a semi-sleep, zombie-like state. Once hypnotized, the subject is compelled to obey, no matter how strange or immoral the request. Muttering "Yes, master," the subject does the hypnotist's evil bidding.

This popular representation bears little resemblance to actual hypnotism, of course. In fact, modern understanding of hypnosis contradicts this conception on several key points. Subjects in a hypnotic trance are not slaves to their "masters" -- they have absolute free will. And they're not really in a semi-sleep state -- they're actually hyperattentive.

Our understanding of hypnosis has advanced a great deal in the past century, but the phenomenon is still a mystery of sorts. In this article, we'll look at some popular theories of hypnosis and explore the various ways hypnotists put their art to work.

What is Hypnosis?People have been pondering and arguing over hypnosis for more than 200 years, but science has yet to fully explain how it actually happens. We see what a person does under hypnosis, but it isn't clear why he or she does it. This puzzle is really a small piece in a much bigger puzzle: how the human mind works. It's unlikely that scientists will arrive at a definitive explanation of the mind in the foreseeable future, so it's a good bet hypnosis will remain something of a mystery as well.

But psychiatrists do understand the general characteristics of hypnosis, and they have some model of how it works. It is a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination. It's not really like sleep, because the subject is alert the whole time. It is most often compared to daydreaming, or the feeling of "losing yourself" in a book or movie. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you. You focus intently on the subject at hand, to the near exclusion of any other thought.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a relaxing, naturally occurring state of mind which happens to us every day. Each time we read a captivating novel, float off in a daydream or see an engrossing movie we are in a natural state of hypnosis.

For thousands of years people have recognized the power of hypnosis to enhance learning, heal emotional scars, improve performance, change habits and speed the healing process.


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