Sunday, September 30, 2007


The first thing that we need to talk about it is the definition of trance. A trance is an altered state of consciousness. What does that mean? Well if you think of any state that you are in now, when that state changes it is altered. So in many respects it's every state is an altered state from the state you were in just a moment ago.

The advantages of knowing how to go into a trance or induce a trance are infinite. Inside of trance states your learning abilities and perceptive abilities are enhanced. You are actually able to accelerate the learning process if you go into a mild trance.

Pattern Interrupt

Altered states are very easy to induce. The simplest trance induction is the pattern interrupt. Anytime you can interrupt a pattern that somebody else is in, they have to go inside their head and figure out where they were so that they can start at the point you interrupted them. If you think about this, you know that it's true.

Every time you speak you form the sentence in your mind first. Your mind does this quite quickly but it is rare that you deliver a full sentence before it is completely formed inside your mind. If I were to interrupt you in the middle of delivering the sentence you had already formed, your mind would go blank for moment. Inside of that blank space is a world of possibilities. While you are inside your head I can put anything I want in there.

The reason that I can do this without getting caught is that if you hear me, it will simply interrupt the process of finding where you were. In essence, it is a double interrupt.

If you don't believe me try this on a waitress. Waitresses are pre-programmed to say a certain phrase when they walk up to the table. Waitresses that have been waiting on tables for a long time are very programmed. If you interrupt them at any point with a question, you can watch their minds go blank.

If you are very aware and notice when the blank spot happens, you can anchor it. Then all you have to do is fire the anchor the next time you want to induce trance.

Unconscious awareness

Bringing to the conscious mind awareness of something that is generally thought of as unconscious will bring about an altered state or trance state. If I would ask you right now, to think about how the spot between your toes feels, it would be something that you normally would never think of. If I would ask you to think about how your shirt feels on the middle of your back, that is also outside your conscious awareness. If I were to ask you think about exactly how this piece of paper feels in your hand, that is also outside your conscious awareness.

The key is to think about the things that people normally don't think about, and get them focused somewhere other than on their consciousness. As you watch them you'll notice that they will go inside their minds to find the information. When they do you can slide commands in.

The easiest trance induction is a 54321 method
1. Something you feel
2. Something you see
3. Something you hear
4. Something you feel
5. Command

Let me give you an example:

As you sit there in your chair and feel the weight of your body pressing down, you can look at this paper and notice the edges as your eyes scan these words. You might hear something in the room around you and feel the paper on your finger and relax.

1. Feel
2. See
3. Hear
4. Command
5. Command

You might notice the beat of your heart and see the colors of the room while listening to the sound my voice. See you can feel good about knowing that you're about to learn now.

This would be followed with two things that you notice and three commands. Then one thing that the notice and four commands. I think you get the idea.

This is also easiest method to do self-hypnosis.

Nonverbal trance

My favorite way to get somebody into a trance state is to get deep rapport, alter my state and pull them in. When you have deep rapport you are, in essence, linked directly in to the unconscious mind. Wherever you go they will follow. I realize that at this point in the seminar that we have not learned deep rapport skills but I thought it would be worth mentioning.


Unknown said...

Hey, new blogger here. I would love to get some more information on what you're discussing. Particuarly concerning the anchors, possibly NLP?


Anonymous said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my

first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I

will keep visiting this blog very often.


CeeEmBee said...
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CeeEmBee said...

heh - maybe you lot can help this guy

Anonymous said...

Trance i like it. :).

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Student of Humanity said...

I'm a student of hypnotic suggestion and I feel that much can be accomplished from self-induced trance techniques.

As you learn other related types of these kinds of mind-focusing tools, you can even accomplish amazing feats such as what I've been currently studying, the Hypnosis Orgasm".

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